Modified on: December 2023

Financial Adviser – Second Opinion Service

Financial Adviser Review – The Power of a Second Opinion


When it comes to financial planning, the financial adviser you select plays a pivotal role in shaping your wealth management outcomes, particularly as you edge closer to those cherished retirement years. With the financial market being as intricate and ever-changing as it is, securing a reliable and proficient financial adviser is non-negotiable.

At Frazer James, we understand that each client’s financial situation is unique. Your advice from your financial adviser should be as independent as you are individual. Your investment strategy should be tailored to your unique goals and circumstances. No two clients are the same.


The Benefits of a Second Opinion

This ethos forms the bedrock of our ‘Second Opinion Service’. This no-cost, no-commitment service is open to individuals with a minimum of £500,000 in pensions, investments and savings. It offers a fresh perspective on their current financial adviser arrangements and an independent, objective review of their financial situation.

Our Second Opinion Service will help with:

  1. Understanding Your Current Position. An impartial evaluation provides a clear picture of how your present wealth management strategy aligns with your long-term financial objectives, especially as you approach retirement.
  2. Discovering Better Opportunities. The financial market is replete with potential. A fresh perspective could unveil better avenues for growth, ensuring your money works optimally for you.
  3. Uncovering Hidden Costs. Clarity on costs associated with your investments is pivotal. Our service aims to bring transparency to these costs and their long-term implications.
  4. Ease of Transition. Concerns about the transition often deter individuals from seeking better services. We’ve successfully assisted numerous clients in seamlessly transitioning to a more client-centric advisory relationship.


Insights from the Second Opinion Service

The first step toward a potentially more rewarding financial adviser partnership is simple and risk-free. Our Second Opinion Service is designed to provide valuable insights with no obligation to proceed further. The objective is to ensure you are well-informed and confident in your financial choices.

There are three possible outcomes from using our Second Opinion Service:

  1. All Clear. You’re on the right track, and your financial arrangements are in good shape. We wish you well and hope you leave this meeting with clarity and confidence.
  2. Minor Tweaks Suggested. A few small tweaks could make a positive difference. We’ll advise you on minor changes that could enhance your financial situation.
  3. Major Re-Arrangement Required. There’s a need for more significant changes to align with your financial goals. We’ll outline how we can assist and the value we can add to your circumstances.


Securing Your Second Opinion

With our Second Opinion Service, we invite you to engage in a candid discussion about your current financial arrangements and future plans. It’s an opportunity to ensure your wealth management strategy is robust, aligned with your goals, and efficiently serves your long-term financial interests.

To schedule a meeting with a Chartered Financial Adviser and get a Second Opinion on your finances, select a date and time below.

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0117 990 2602